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8 Tips to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

Written by Moorings Park Communities | May 8, 2023 2:00:00 PM

As many of us know, the average, healthy adult requires seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep each night in order to feel well-rested the following day. Though, there are many obstacles that might hinder one's ability to achieve this. While most of us see a poor night's rest as an inconvenience, poor sleep isn't just a minor issue; it is detrimental to your physical and mental health. If you are struggling to sleep at night consider these tips to help improve the quality of your sleep.

What are the Health Benefits of Sleep?

There is no doubt that sleep is important.

Sleep improves concentration and memory formation as it provides the brain, along with your body, a time to rest and heal. Many of your muscles and cells repair while you sleep. With this comes a reduced risk of injury and falling, along with reduced anxiety and depression.

Proper sleep also boosts your energy levels, keeps your immune system in check, and can even keep your heart happy.  According to WebMD, “While you sleep, your blood pressure goes down, giving your heart and blood vessels a bit of a rest. The less sleep you get, the longer your blood pressure stays up during a 24-hour cycle. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease, including stroke.

With proper sleep, both in quality and quantity, your mind, body, and emotions improve.

8 Tips to Improve Sleep Hygiene

1. Avoid Caffeine in the Evening

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can keep you awake for several hours after consumption, by blocking specific receptors in the brain that tell it to get drowsy. This can be beneficial during the day when you need to stay focused and productive. However, consuming caffeine in the evening can interfere with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle and reduce the overall quality of your sleep. 

2. Don't Use Electronics Before Bed

You should put your electronic devices away at least one hour before you want to go to bed for the best quality sleep. This is because the blue light emitted from these devices has been shown to disrupt the body's natural sleep/wake rhythm. 

3. Create a Routine

You can also train your brain to go to sleep by creating a bedtime routine. Doing the same things every night signals your brain that it is time to switch to sleep mode. Examples include:

  • Taking a warm bath.
  • Listening to soothing music.
  • Changing into pajamas.
  • Writing in your journal. 

4. Minimize Liquid Intake Before Bed

Nothing is more frustrating than getting comfortable in bed and then right before you doze off, you realize you need to visit the restroom. Minimizing how much you drink before going to sleep will reduce the frequency you need to get up and go, leading to better quality sleep overall. 

5. Exercise Frequently

Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly get better sleep. However, the time of day you exercise can change the effect exercise has on your sleep. For instance, exercise tells your body to release endorphins that will keep you awake, so it is best to give yourself an hour or two after a workout to allow those endorphins to wash out before trying to sleep. 

6. Practice Meditation

Meditation can be an effective way to enhance your sleep quality, and it's almost as beneficial as medication. Meditating decreases your blood pressure, increases the sleep hormone melatonin, reduces your heart rate, and activates parts of the brain that control sleep

7. Relax Before Bed

We often have trouble falling asleep because the stress of a busy day won't let our bodies and minds relax enough for sleep. Doing something that relaxes you, like taking a hot bath or reading a book, might be just what you need to cue your body to sleep. 

8. Set Boundaries and Make Your Bedroom for Sleep Only

This again plays into the idea that your brain is always looking for ways to stay active even if you don't want it to. If you often take work to bed with you or work in your bed frequently, you may be wiring your brain to think it needs to be alert and working when it is in your bed. Instead, train your brain that your bed is for sleep so it starts to turn down as soon as you hit the sheets. 

Try to incorporate a number of these tips to help improve sleep hygiene. If you’re curious about your sleep cycle, you may be interested in trying sleep-tracking applications, such as Sleep Cycle. If you need assistance with meditating or enjoy relaxing hymns, Insight Timer is a great resource with a plethora of guided meditations and tranquil sounds.

If all else fails and you struggle to achieve proper rest, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. To learn about the Moorings Park Communities concierge physicians, world-renowned health care services, wellness programs, and life-enriching amenities, please visit