Moorings Park | Naples, Florida | Continuing Care Retirement Community

6 Healthy Habits for Seniors to Stay Active

Written by Moorings Park Communities | Nov 1, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Everyone finds it difficult to get back into their workout routine after taking a break. In these instances, it’s easy to stay home and avoid exercise altogether or convince yourself you will start again tomorrow. 

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Don’t fret; there is hope. Here are six habits that physically active individuals follow to keep themselves on track.

1. Create and Follow a Schedule 

Keeping a schedule allows you to guarantee time for your workout. To incorporate this habit into your life, block out a non-negotiable time in your day, specifically dedicated to working out. Be sure to keep this time consistent and hold yourself accountable by making a checklist. Try working with a personal trainer to hold you accountable and keep you “in check.”

2. Workout with Friends

Every activity is more fun when done with friends. Make reliable fitness friends that can join you for a workout. Going to the gym alone can be boring at times, but with a little company, it can turn more enjoyable. If struggle to find good fitness friends, ask one of our Moorings Park Exercise Specialists if they know anyone with similar fitness goals as yourself.

3. Create Motivating Goals 

Even the most fit individuals need extra motivation at times. Making a habit of setting goals to work towards can provide additional motivation for getting into the gym. Once each goal is achieved, make time to celebrate the accomplishment before focusing on your next endeavor.

4. Take Rest Days

Once we get into the groove of exercising regularly, it can be hard to take a step back and rest. Working out stresses the body, muscles, and bones; this allows them to grow, but recovery is necessary to achieve this. Although it can be tempting to skip a rest day to maintain motivation, your body will thank you and benefit from it.

5. Change Up Your Routine

We as humans are creatures of habit and often find ourselves doing the same fitness routine for months on end. Although the continued exercise is undoubtedly beneficial, trying out a new workout style or fitness class can spice things up and keep workout sessions interesting. Perhaps a barre class or TRX?

6. Never Miss a Monday

Sure, there are exceptions to every rule, but a great amount of physically active individuals make it a habit to always get a workout in on Mondays. It’s tough getting back into the swing of things after a relaxing weekend but exercising at the beginning of the week can help set the tone for the days to come. This will leave you feeling accomplished and confident.

On top of adopting healthy habits to stay physically active, make sure you're having fun. You’re more likely to stick with your workouts if they are interesting and upbeat. Find the workouts that get you excited to get out the door and moving.

If you need a boost of motivation, try one of the many fitness classes offered at Moorings Park Communities, or work with a personal trainer who can assist you in reaching your goals.

For more information on the range of wellness and health care services available at Moorings Park Communities, please visit